Eggcup Designs  


The Hat Making Process

Hand Blocked
Hand blocking is the process of steaming and stretching hat material over a wooden shape called a hat block. As the material dries, it takes the shape of the block. Hand blocking is a more delicate process than metal pressing or stamping which is used to mass produce hats. Hand blocking does not crush the nap or dull the vibrancy of colors. And straw hats that are machine blocked require more sizing and are, therefore, stiffer than hand blocked hats. Machine blocked straw hats tend to crack easily.

Hand Lined
A good hat should be lined, because the lining creates a comfort barrier between the hat and head. A lady's hair should not get snagged in the straw nor matted against the hat. And, a lining is gentle on brittle hair. We also hand block the lining before sewing it into the hat to insure a perfect fit.

Hand Trimmed
Most trimmings are sewn on, not hot glued into place. They can be taken off and changed if desired. Removing a hot glued item of trim could ruin a hat.

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Site last updated on December 5, 2009